Tuesday, March 1, 2016

48-Hours in the Books

The first 48-hours of my diet are in the books. It's gone well.  I'm having a hard time finding snacks but meals are good and satisfying.  I've had a headache for about 24-hours, I'm thinking that is due to carb/sugar withdrawal. I hope that ends soon.  I also just learned that a diet, like Atkins, that gets your body in to ketosis is good for people with PCOS!  Hooray!!!

It's been really nice having having the hubby dieting with me, I am super optimistic that this will make the diet journey much easier than the past.

Tomorrow the treadmill comes, I'm super excited about that.  This will be the first time that I will be dieting and excercising together.

I REALLY want this to work!

Here is a sampling of today's lunch.

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